eBooks FAQ
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Technical Titles
FireWire System Architecture (2nd Edition)
HyperTransport 3.1 Interconnect Technology
HyperTransport System Architecture
InfiniBand Network Architecture
ISA System Architecture (3rd Edition)
PCI Express System Architecture
PCI Express Technology 3.0
PCI System Architecture (4th Edition)
PCI-X System Architecture
SAS Storage Architecture
SATA Storage Technology
The Unabridged Pentium 4
Universal Serial Bus System Architecture
USB 3.0 Technology
x86 Instruction Set Architecture

Historical Titles
Heaven's Favorite - Book One Ascent: The Rise of Chinggis Khan
Heaven's Favorite - Book Two Dominion: Dawn of the Mongol Empire


MindShare eBook/Presentation FAQs

  • When you purchase a MindShare eBook or receive a MindShare Presentation from a class, that is an individual license and the eBook/Presentation should NOT be shared.

  • What devices can I view my MindShare eBook on?

    MindShare’s eBooks are simple PDFs. Any device (iPad, iPhone, Android device, etc.) that supports viewing PDFs will support opening MindShare eBooks.

  • Can I print my eBook?

    Yes. MindShare’s eBooks are printable in low resolution format.

  • What are the benefits of purchasing an eBook?

    In most cases, eBooks are cheaper than paper books and can be more convenienct as well. Your eBook will be available to you immediately once you have purchased it. Here are some characteristics that make eBooks a great supplement to your hardcopy versions of MindShare’s books:

    • Searchable
    • Indexed and cross-referenced (you can click on any reference to a Table, Figure, Section, etc and go exactly to that point)
    • Available immediately after purchasing
    • Expand the mind without exhausting the arms (yes, a lot of our hardcopy books are heavy)
    • Colored graphics
    • Viewable on any device that supports PDFs

  • What do I get when I purchase an eBook from mindshare.com?

    In order to purchase an eBook from mindshare.com, you must have a MindShare account. This is because once you purchase an eBook, that eBook is associated with your account so you will always be able to download and access it.
    After purchasing an eBook, you will receive an email describing how to access your eBook and what its attributes are. You can also find this info on MindShare’s How eBooks Work page.

  • How long will I have the eBook?

    Once you have purchased the eBook, it is yours.

  • Does MindShare support other eBook formats besides just PDFs?

    Currently MindShare’s eBooks are only available in PDF form, but if we determine that there is a lot of demand to provide our eBooks in another format, please let us know. We want to do what makes sense for our customers. You can provide feedback on the eBooks here:
  • I have an old eBook or presentation and I cannot open it.

    In the past, MindShare used an Adobe Reader plug-in from FileOpen to control access to our eBooks and presentations. All of our eBooks and most of our presentations have been updated online to plain PDFs. You can re-download your eBook/presentation from you account page for the new version. If re-downloading the PDF does not resolve the problem, then that presentation has not been updated and still requires the FileOpen plug-in. The FileOpen plug-in will need to be installed on your machine to view the presentation. You can obtain the plug-in here: http://plugin.fileopen.com/

  • I have looked through this entire FAQ list and I still have questions or need help.

    If you still have a question or issue with your eBook / Presentation, then please contact MindShare’s support staff for assistance.